Compan name 株式会社TEJ
English name TEJ Co., Ltd.
Establishment day March 29,2019
Capital 482 million yen
Shareholders Core executives, major business partners
Phone number
Fax number
Tel number:03-6260-8831
Fax number:03-6260-8832
Business Hotel/Apartment Hotel/Ryokan operation agency
Cleaning service
Travel arrangement service
Bank MIZUHO Bank
Address ◆Tokyo Head Office
〒:110-0016 Satake No.2 Building 10F, 4-29-10 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Our Mission

Creating value for customers with the power of technology
● Create a system to effectively utilize underutilized facilities and provide value to owners
● To provide guests with a youthful and active accommodation experience

Our Vision

Become the most reliable technology-based accommodation service provider

Our Purpose

1、Customer first

2、Creating a clean and comfortable living space

3、T-Technology Research and development of technology and make full use of technology

4、EーーEfficiency efficiency

5、JーーJoint develops together

Get Started

● Don't wait for others to tell you what to do, get involved and get started
● Start is valuable, take action faster and learn from the results
● Face the goal until the end, follow up the whole process and think through proactively

Embrace Changing

● Always question the status quo and act for improvement
● Don't be afraid to take risks and always keep trying
● Have the courage to react to change and change the guidelines

Be Simple

● Easier and more efficient
● Have a problem-solving attitude without the environment or conditions as an excuse
● Good communication skills are a primary productive force

Thanks & Care

● Take an interest in yourself and your colleagues and trust your team
● Care about the company and its customers and grow together
● Be mindful and grateful to society

TEJ Co., Ltd.
was founded by strategic investment by Jilong (0780.HK), one of the two largest Chinese travel platforms listed in Hong Kong .
TongCheng-eLong is a technology-based Internet company and is also the first listed company in the mini-program within wechat.
Monthly active users (MAU) 199 million or more
Monthly payment users (MPU) 23 million or more
Main business: Air ticket, railway ticket, hotel sales.

TEJ will develop its business using the core system of the parent company. Also, the TEJ spelling has two meanings.
1) The initials of the parent company Tongcheng Elong and the business development in Japan.
2) Improve efficiency with
T--Technology technology
E--Efficiency Use IT technology to improve efficiency
J--Joint win-win

elong hotel, CHALET Hotel, MECHAR Hotel, ELE Hotel
are the original hotel brands developed by Geiryu , and provide customers with one-stop service of "safe environment, health, sleep and artificial intelligence".